Tuesday 24 April 2007

Sammy Kutondo goes Fishing in History.. Just Brilliant

Let's see More Memories, Our Head cook was Mr. Nde... Let's see More Memories, Our Head cook was Mr. Ndege, Heck I was there for four years so I remember at one time the Late William Ndude was our Class prefect, Bore was our dorm prefect and Dismas Wachie was our Headboy, then Shieltiel Nabiswa, I remember Nyam Nyam (aka) Wilfred Mwaura replacing Bogi Benda (aka) RED Dulo Magak as our Dean of Men. Hey I also remember some of my classmates like Felix Njagi (nicknamed Olielo), Dimon Ogoma, Tom Oloo, Kenyanya Nyakweba, Moses Oloo, the original class comics like Micheal Mwai & Johnson Okello (LADA), others like Antony Koskei, the late Irene Bosire, Mavis Onguti, Elizabeth Ogola (Manga), Julia Opala , Jackline Ongera, James Omanya, Antony Mwaniki, Joel Chesimet, Philip Ogutu, Jared Otieno, Joshua Ouma, Ogwankwa Ndege, Gideon Mutero, Eunice Omanya...Oh my my, they just keep coming but I'll stop there for now and let someone else continue. I will need to dig out my Albums and start scanning some pictures because I have plenty.

Sam you have such a rich mind, no question about that. I cant stop laughing- Steve

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